
Jayne Fought

Jayne is the owner and founder of Island Ford Adventures. A born adventurer, has 30 years of diverse experiences in the outdoors. She loves sharing her combined passions for nature and education with the people she instructs and guides.

Growing up on an Indiana dairy farm and backpacking in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming in the late 1980s solidified a love to roam in the outdoors. Jayne has since backpacked all over the United States including the entire Appalachian Trail. She feels incredibly lucky to call Pisgah National Forest her "backyard". She is also an avid paddler, with thousands of miles of experience, from the swamps of the Everglades, to the remote wild rivers of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon, including the entire 220 miles of the French Broad River. Jayne is a member of the Transylvania County Rescue Squad.

Jayne combines her love of the outdoors with a passion for education, sense of humor, and flexibility to bring her clients a unique and unforgettable experience.

Jayne’s certifications include: WMA Wilderness First Responder, North Carolina Environmental Educator, Trainer for the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, American Canoe Association Level III River Canoe Instructor, and Land Search Field Team Member. Jayne also has ACA level IV training in Swiftwater Rescue.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology/Anthropology from Goshen College, and a master’s degree in Secondary Education from Indiana University.

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Clyde Carter

Clyde Carter has been changing lives in the outdoors for over 30 years. Being called a legend in the outdoor industry might make this humble man uncomfortable, but it’s an understatement. In 1989, he founded the Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education (WLEE) program at Brevard College. He also helped develop Brevard College’s Voice of the Rivers (VOR) program in 1997. Clyde taught courses on risk management, experiential education, wilderness leadership, as well as rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, and kayaking. In 2010 Clyde was named Experiential Educator of the Year and is a two-time participant in the Salzburg Global Seminar. For decades Clyde was Adventure Director for Rockbrook Camp. In 2023, Clyde has backpacked the entire Appalachian Trail, summiting Mount Katahdin in 2023. If you get your hands on a copy of his book, Knot Crazy, you will get a glimpse into his passion for tying knots and doing rope tricks. Clyde as an active member of the Transylvania County Rescue Squad.

Clyde’s certifications include: WMA Wilderness First Responder, American Canoe Association Level IV Whitewater Canoe Instructor and Level IV Open Water Coastal Kayaking Instructor, Master Educator Instructor for the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, AMGA Single Pitch Rock Climbing Instructor, and Land Search Field Team Member. Clyde also has ACA Level IV training in Swiftwater Rescue.

Clyde holds a bachelor’s degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management from Clemson University and a master’s degree in Experiential Education from Minnesota State University.



Katlyn Mobley

Katlyn is the newest member of the Island Ford Adventures team. She is also  the founder of Nero Coffee Hikes, a unique outdoor guiding company focused on creating moments for guests to slow down and enjoy great coffee and conversation outdoors. She has guided group day hikes to the area's many waterfalls since 2019 and has 400+ five star reviews and counting. Island Ford Adventures is excited to partner with her for our classes and upcoming backpacking trips. 

In addition to hiking the many trails around WNC, she has completed a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail, trekked volcanoes in Guatemala,  hiked long-distance trails in Patagonia, and loves keeping an outdoor adventure on the calendar, so ask her what she has planned next. :) 

When asked about why she loves guiding, Katlyn says,

“I know what backpacking has done for my own self-confidence, and I want more people to try taking on an overnight or multi-night trip. But I also understand  how intimidating it can be to try, so that’s why my goal is to help you have a great first backpacking trip and learn the skills and gain the confidence you need so that when we finish our trip together you are ready to start planning your next trip.”

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